Ecological seeds
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Spice herbs & Medical plants
Great Yellow Gentian
Great yellow gentian - Gentiana lutea. Flowers or seedcapsules for cutting, officinal (medicinal) plant, beneficial plant.  Flowering season: Juni-August. inter hardiness zone: Z3-Z7. Height: 100-150 cm. Pure yellow, especially decorat..
Greater Wild Thyme (Field Thyme)
Field Thyme - Thymus pulegioides. Medicinal perennial from the Lamiaceae family. Places of natural growth: meadows, dry slopes of Europe. A prostrate semi-shrub 7-25 cm tall. Especially good during flowering. Its pink-lilac flowers are collected i..
Grecian foxglove "Brown-White" (Woolly foxglove)
Woolly foxglove "Brown-White" - Digitalis lanata. Flowers or seedcapsules for cutting, officinal (medicinal) plant. VI-VIII, Z6-9, 80 cm. Woolly Foxglove, white-brown. Grecian foxglove, Woolly foxglove, Wooly digitalis. ..
Greek oregano
Greek oregano (Origanum vulgare subsp. hirtum) is a compact plant, 30-70 cm high and 20-45 cm in diameter, with pointed, pubescent, green leaves (sometimes with thin purple veins). This variety of oregano is easy to grow from seeds: it is recom..
Green vitamins for Cats "Erba gatto"
Catgrass "Erba gatto". Green vitamins - all year round! Cats will leave your houseplants alone thanks to a special mixture of cereal seeds. Fresh herbs grown in 7-10 days are an essential component of nutrition for pets. Unlike "gras..
Gypsy flower (Hound's tongue, dog's tongue)
Dog's tongue (Hound's tongue, Gypsy flower) - Cynoglossum officinale. Repels rodents from the garden and home. Unpretentious and cold-resistant, drought-resistant annual. Excellent honey plant. Height 60-90 cm, diameter up to 50 ..
Hairy Mountain Mint
Hairy Mountain Mint - Pycnanthemum pilosum. Honey-bee food plants. Officinal (medicinal) plant. Flowering season: Juni-September. Winter hardiness zone: Z4-Z8. Height: 70 cm. 1,0 g = 7500 seeds. American Mountain Mint, pale purple, aromatic fol..
Holy basil (Tulsi )
Holy basil - Ocimum sanctum L. Perennial herb or shrub of the Lamiaceae family. A medicinal plant with unique properties - the most revered in India after the lotus. Holy Basil is ideal for growing as an indoor perennial or as an annual outdoors. Pl..
Hyssop - Hyssopus officinalis L. A real "magnet" for beneficial insects in your area. Perennial semi-shrub up to 80 cm high. Unpretentious and frost-resistant. In one place you can grow 5-7 years. Propagated through seedlings, direct sow..
Hyssop "Albus"
Hyssop "Albus" - Hyssopus officinalis. Perennial semi-shrub of spicy-aromatic group. It is valued for its pleasant intense aroma, high decorativeness, medicinal, melliferous and food qualities. The variety is early ripe, from the moment ..
Hyssop "Blue Honey"
Hyssop "Blue Honey" - Hyssopus officinalis. A real "magnet" for beneficial insects in the garden. Perennial herbaceous, ornamental, spicy-aromatic plant up to 25-30 cm tall. Grows and thrives well. The inflorescence is den..
Hyssop "Goluboy"
Hyssop "Light-blue". A real “magnet” for beneficial insects in your garden! Perennial shrub of the Labiate family up to 50 cm high. It is unpretentious and frost-hardy. One place can be grown for 5-7 years. Hyssop is rich in ..
Hyssop "Inei" (white)
White hyssop “Rime” - Hyssopus officinalis. Perennial subshrub, 40-70 cm high, with erect branched shoots. The variety is grown in seedlings and without seedlings. Planting pattern 40x60 cm.  Compact plant. The shoots below ar..
Hyssop "White"
White hyssop - Hyssopus officinalis. Perennial subshrub, 40-70 cm high, with erect branched shoots. The variety is grown in seedlings and without seedlings. Planting pattern 40x60 cm.  Compact plant. The shoots below are woody; the first ..
Italian strawflower (Curry plant, Immortelle)
Immortelle (Italian strawflower, Curry plant) - Helichrysum italicum = Helichrysum angustifolium (Lam.) DC. An evergreen subshrub from Southern Europe, 50-60 cm high. The leaves are small, linear, up to 3 cm long, bluish in color, pubescent. The flo..
Jack in the green (Devil in the bush, Nigella)
Devil in the bush (Jack in the green, Love-in-a-mist). The plant is an annual herbaceous plant. Stems erect, branching, 30-50 cm tall. Blooms from late June to August. Seeds remain viable for 1-2 years. In culture since 1542. Location: photoph..
Japanese perilla "Green+Red" (Beefsteakplant, Shiso)
Beefsteakplant "Duo mix":  "Green and Bronze red" (Japanese perilla, Shiso) - Perilla frutescens L. An annual spicy-flavoring plant, 40-60 cm high, strongly branched. The leaves are large, double-toothed. The genu..
Kidney vetch "Antiseptik"
Kidney Vetch "Antiseptik" - Anthyllis vulneraria. Растение семейства бобовых (они же мотыльковые), род представлен около 20 видами однолетних и многолетних почвопокровных трав и кустарников. В диком виде язвенник обыкновенный произраста..
Lavender "Munstead Strain"
English lavender "Munstead Strain". Excellent spicy aroma. Resistant to diseases and pests. Blooms in the first year! Perennial evergreen shrub for dry sunny places. One of the best spicy and aromatic crops. It has a tart taste with..
Leafy Leopard's Bane (North American arnica)
North American arnica (Leafy Leopard's Bane) - Arnica chamissonis. Asteraceae (Compositae). Reproduction: by seeds and cuttings of rhizomes. It is better to grow through seedlings. Seeds germinate at 20 degrees, if seedlings do not appear withi..
Lemon balm
Lemon balm - Melissa officinalis. Delicate, refreshing scent! Spicy flavouring, essential oil, perennial cold-resistant culture. The plant is branched, with upright pubescent stems. Stem erect, branched, 50-100 cm high, leaves ovate. It ..
Lemon balm "Gold Leaf" Melissa officinalis
Lemon balm "Gold Leaf" - Melissa officinalis. Perennial from the Lamiaceae family. Origin: Europe. Features: Bright golden foliage in spring. Height: 40 cm. Flower color: from whitish to pale lilac. Foliage: heart-shaped, bright golde..
Eco seeds
Lemon balm (balm mint, dropsy plant)
Lemon balm - Melissa officinalis. Perennial plant up to 40 cm high, strongly leafy. The leaves are rounded, ovate, serrated at the edges: dark green above, lighter below, covered with hairs. The flowers are white or pink, small. Blooms from June to ..
Eco seeds
Lemon balm (sweet balm)
Lemon balm. Tonic plant with a lemon scent. Perennial spicy-flavouring heat-loving plant 100-120 cm is high. Melissa lemon is an excellent honey plant, a popular spice and seasoning, as well as a medicinal plant that is used in medicine in the form..
Lemon grass
East Indian lemongrass - Cymbopogon flexuosus. It is best to use fresh stems, but dried stems are also found, as well as powdered dried stems. If fresh stems are used, remove the outer leaves and use only the lower, white part. It can be adde..
Showing 101 to 125 of 205 (9 Pages)